On Christmas, fans of the "Doctor Who" series witnessed a special episode of Xmas 2013 titled "Time of the Doctor." The show brought a much awaited goodbye and an introduction. While Matt Smith's eleventh Doctor Who bid an emotional goodbye, the new Doctor Who Peter Capaldi made a dramatic entrance. Peter Capaldi made his debut in the 800th episode and ninth Christmas special of the 50 years-old show. The much awaited regeneration finally took place in the episode "Time of the Doctor" and the reactions of the fans spread on Twitter following the much awaited moment.

Doctor Who switched his body from Matt Smith's to Peter Capaldi's in a jiffy without giving much of a time to his fans to react. As soon as Peter Capaldi took over, he appeared bewildered and confused with the change in him and his surroundings. Struggling to apprehend what had just happened he strolled around the Tardis while adapting to his body. The regeneration took place instantly. Also, fans could not see Peter Capaldi in Doctor Who-action as the show ended in the next five minutes. Now Fans will have to wait until the Doctor Who Series 8 returns on TV.

Doctor Who Christmas Special Episode: Peter Capaldi's Regenerations--Fans Reaction on Twitter

The Scottish actor Peter Capaldi overtook the lead role of the Doctor Who in one of the most watched Christmas Day TV moment, viewed by 10.2 million viewers as stated by Independent UK. This was also the most anticipated TV moment of the show Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013.

Fans took to Twitter to express their opinion about the show's most awaited moment and the new change. Some of the reactions to Doctor Who's Peter Capaldi regeneration on Twitter read:

A Doctor Who fan Conor wrote on Twitter: "omg i like peter capaldi already."

Joe Hill tweeted on Twitter: "I guess I feel like all the parts with Peter Capaldi were perfect and the rest needed a smidge of tightening up."

Carrie Hope Fletcher wrote on Twitter: "So sad to see Matt Smith go but I'm so excited about Peter Capaldi!!! #DoctorWho"

Rich Nairn tweeted: "Bye bye Matt Smith you frickin legend, Peter Capaldi, next year I'll add you to this.. #DoctorWho pic.twitter.com/zaYclQOkX7"

Kumail Nanjiani tweeted on Twitter: "Just watched the Doctor Who Xmas special. Matt Smith is great but he deserved a better send-off IMO. Mostly boring; great last 10 minutes."

Cristina wrote on Twitter: "So, everyone loves Peter Capaldi as much as I do now? Yes? I mean, even in five seconds I have to imagine..."

For more on Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of the Doctor and Peter Capaldi, read below:

Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Spoilers: Everything That You Need to Know About Time of the Doctor-(PHOTOS + VIDEOS)

Doctor Who: Meet the New Doctor Peter Capaldi-Few Things to Know About Matt Smith's Regeneration and Twelfth Doctor

'Doctor Who' Christmas Special Episode Spoilers: 'Time of the Doctor' Plot Revealed- 5 Things to Expect [VIDEO + PHOTO]