Source: YouTube/Adam Walker

How frightening a shark can be? If seeing a shark caught on cam can make your heart beats fast, then, what more if you are actually swimming with a shark in real life? Apparently, a British man can answer that question as he didn't just saw one, but had swum with one.

Adam Walker from Nottingham, UK, who is considered to be one of the top open water swimmers in the world, reportedly experienced seeing and swimming with a shark during his swim in New Zealand's Cook Strait.

The British man is part of the Ocean's Seven. Ocean's Seven, according to Adam Walker's Web site, is a group of seven long distance swims across the globe, including the Irish Channel, Cook Strait, Molokai Channel, English Channel, Catalina Channel, Tsugaru Strait and the Strait of Gibraltar.

Walker's Twitter account @AdamOceans37 is positive that he will be the "first British person in the world to swim Oceans 7."

According to a Yahoo News report, Walker had not expected to encounter any sharks, but when he looked down right in the middle of his swim in New Zealand's Cook Strait, the British swimmer saw "a great white" underneath him.

A day after the swim, Walker posted a video on YouTube, showing him and the dolphins apparently surrounding and protecting him from the shark. The video has quickly gone viral with 2 thousand likes and nearly 3 million views since the video was published on Wednesday, April 23.

Compared to dolphins, sharks appear to be a massive leap from beautiful to dreadful. Sharks fear-provoking jaws can quickly reduce people to hysteria, and there's no joke to it as sharks can easily kill people just basing on its size.

According to National Geographic, sharks have hung around Earth's seas for 400 million years without changing, and though sharks only kill a small number of people each year, media coverage has made sharks even more frightening.

"Dolphins are amazing, intelligent creatures, truly benevolent. Staying with the swimmer for over an hour until the shark left was no coincidence; they were protecting him. Lets all do the same for them, shall we?" a woman named Robin appealed in a comment on the Yahoo article.