"Dominion" Season 1, Episode 5 "Something Borrowed" will air on Thursday, July 17, 2014. It comes after Episode 4 "The Flood" which was shown last July 10, 2014. Warning! Spoiler Alert! This article contains "Dominion" "Something Borrowed" spoilers. Read only if you want to learn more about what will happen in this episode.

According to TV.com, in "Dominion" Season 1, Episode 5 "Something Borrowed," there will be a lot of secrets that will be revealed. One is about Claire Riesen (Roxanne McKee) and the other will be discovered by David Whele (Anthony Head). Amidst all the secrets uncovered, Michael (Tom Wisdom) will train Sgt. Alex Lannon (Christopher Egan) so he will be more ready if angels or other humans suddenly attack him. After all, Alex is "The Chose One."

Meanwhile, TV Guide reported that Alex will have a vision while training with Michael. This will make him stray from an Archangel Corps mission by going rogue. Meanwhile, David Whele will strive for more power and security and will do anything to guarantee it. He will make a decisive move for his career. General Edward Riesen (Alan Dale) will also be protected by his daughter Claire. But, there are some hidden secrets that will resurface and bite back Gen. Riesen.

Here are some of the lines that will be heard in "Dominion" Season 1, Episode 5 "Something Borrowed."

"Close your eyes. Breathe," said Michael to Alex during their training.

"Alex, what did you see?" asked Michael.

"Who I'm fighting for," replied Alex.

"You must learn to control your emotions or they will be the end of you."

"Stay away from my daughter," said General Edward Riesen.

"Is that all you've got?"

These were taken from a YouTube video clip of "Something Borrowed." Watch it at the end of this article.

Aside from the characters mentioned above, Luke Allen-Gale will also be seen in this episode as William Whele.

And that's it for "Dominion" Season 1 Episode 6 "Something Borrowed" spoilers. It will be shown on Syfy at 9/8c on July 17, 2014. Don't miss "Dominion" every Thursday nights on Syfy. The next episode will be "Black Eyes Blue" (Episode 6), which will be aired on July 24, 2014. Keep reading the International Business Times (IBT) for more updates about "Dominion," as well as other news about entertainment, technology, business, finance, health and sports.

Watch the "Dominion" Episode 5 "Something Borrowed" video below:

Credit: YouTube/TvSeriesPreview

Check out the promotional photos of "Dominion" Episode 5 "Something Borrowed" in the video below:

CREDIT: YouTube/TvSeriesPreview


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