Jonathan Rhys Meyers portrays the iconic "Dracula" like never before. Is he a blood-sucking monster that should be hunted down and killed or is he a hero fighting to save the common man from the greed of corporations?

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Jonathan Rhys Meyers portrays the conflicting character traits of "Dracula" in a way that viewers may not be able to look away even for a minute. He shows the character to be cool and composed and, yet at times, uncontrollable and savage while exacting his vengeance.

He is out to get vengeance for the death of his wife, who was burned alive by the Order of Dragon. The Order of Dragon is a secret society comprised of the elite in the business community, who control the course of history while maintaining their wealth and power.

"Dracula" is particularly interested in solving the energy problem of the world. Providing cheap electricity seems to be his primary goal. The Order of Dragon is pushing the world towards oil and wish to benefit from controlling the resource.

Van Helsing

Van Helsing was not seen as a cross bow-wielding vampire hunter but a grave digging professor. It was Van Helsing who re-awakened "Dracula." He joins hands with him to take his vengeance on the Order of Dragon.

The Van Helsing character, played by Thomas Kretschmann, bears close resemblance to Harrison Ford's "Indiana Jones" movies. The hat-donning professor will be doing more than just teaching in the show. Will he be able to control and guide a blood-thirsty beast?

Romance, Lust and Blood

There is scope for a lot of romance, as "Dracula" is shown to be a charming host, who is able to make inroads into a woman's heart with relative ease. He meets the re-incarnation of his dead wife - Mina Murray. He, however, is maintaining a safe distance and looks like the show will tease the viewers with a slow romance.

The show would have been incomplete without the lust of the vampire. He seduces Lady Jane, who works for the Order of Dragon. He also pursues a young girl to feed on her blood, as he makes love to her.

With the different angles to the "Dracula" character, it is up to the viewers to decide if he is more of a villain or an anti-hero. The show is turning out to be quite popular given that its Halloween season. Click here to watch the trailer and read more about the show.