Drake is “disgusted” that Rolling Stone magazine dared to give its cover to Philip Seymour Hoffman when he had been promised that he would get it. The Canadian rapper apparently only agreed to the interview if he would be on the cover.

In a couple of Twitter posts he has since deleted, the 27-year-old “Best I Ever Had” singer complained about the music magazine printing what he said about Kanye West and giving the cover issue to Hoffman, who died on February 2.

“I never commented on Yeezus for my interview portion of Rolling Stone. They also took my cover from me last minute and ran the issue,” he Tweeted on Wednesday.

“I’m disgusted with that. RIP to Phillip Seymour Hoffman. All respect due. But the press is evil.”

He added in another Tweet:

I'm done doing interviews for magazines. I just want to give my music to the people. That's the only way my message gets across accurately.

— Drizzy (@Drake) February 13, 2014

His “disgusted” comment has invited a lot of negative reactions from Netizens, with some people saying that he has a bloated ego and an unbelievable a sense of entitlement.

Apparently, Drake only agreed to the interview if he would get the cover.

Sources told TMZ that Drake didn’t even have to feel that he was tricked into giving the interview without the cover feature because he was told beforehand of what would happen. The interview was held on January 28, with the photo shoot completed as well before Hoffman died on February 2.

Drake was then told on Friday that Hoffman would be on the cover instead of him, days before Rolling Stone released a teaser on his interview. According to the gossip site’s sources, changing of cover features is a standard procedure.

On Tuesday, Rolling Stone released a teaser on its upcoming feature with Drake, in which he was quoted taking a swipe at Kanye for his lyrics on his “Yeezus” album, specifically a line from the track “I’m In It.”

It reads: “’There were some questionable bars on there,’ he says. ‘Like that ‘Swaghili’ line? Come on, man. Even Fabolous wouldn’t say some sh** like that.’ But Drake says he speaks from a bedrock of deep respect. ‘Kanye’s the reason I’m here. I love everything about that guy.’”

In his aforementioned deleted Tweet, Drake denied he commented on “Yeezus” for his interview with Rolling Stone.