Drew Barrymore presents the "Favourite Comedic Movie Actor" award to Adam Sandler
Child star Drew Barrymore’s drug abuse in her teenage years found her controversial fame with two trips to rehab that motivated her to get back on track with her career. Reuters

Drew Barrymore is enjoying her second stint as a mommy to little Frankie who was welcomed in to the world on April 22, 2014. In her first ever interview after her baby, the actress reveled to United Kingdom's Red magazine that she is "loving being a mom."

The 39-year-old already has a one and a half year old child named Olive and is excited and happy that the two kids will not have much of the age difference between them and will grow up together.

"Olive is a year and a half now so [the girls] will be close together in age," the gorgeous actress told the magazine. "I think, just get it done - it will be awesome!"

Barrymore says though she isn't feeling "greatest" at this time due to her demanding babies but that doesn't stop her from being a hands-on mommy to her two loving girls. The "Never Been Kissed" actress said that there is nothing she loves more than private family time. "We spend every weekend together," Barrymore continued. "We don't have a babysitter. It's just us. I can't wait to see how that's going to work out with the second one!"

Drew is married to Will Kopleman and is happy that she is not depriving her children from the love of a father. Drew's parents separated even before she was born and this impacted her personality.

"My parents split up before I was born and my dad was just never capable of being a father," Drew told the magazine adding that she "accepted" the situation somehow and was "okay" with it as a child too. But she is strongly against the situation where parents make that kind of choice and vehemently opposes it.

"It's shocking to me that someone can make that choice. As much as I accepted it with him, I could never accept it in a partner....When you become a parent, and think about what kids need, it is very emotional," the actress revealed.

Barrymore's Red magazine's June issue hits the news stands on Thursday.