The former "Two And A Half" man star Charlie Sheen is angered by Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson anti-gay comments.

The actor took to Twitter on Saturday to rip apart Phil for his comments to GQ. Sheen wrote on Twitter, "Hey Mallard brained Phil Robertso! You have offended and hurt so many dear friends of mine, who DO NOT have the voice or the outreach that I do. Well news flash shower-dodger, I will speak loudly and clearly for ALL of them."

"So, just when your desperately sub evolved ass thought the pressure was off, you are now in the crosshairs of a MaSheen style media beat down. (I'll try to keep the big words to a minimum as not to confuse you). Your statements were and are abhorrently and mendaciously unforgivable.The idea that you have a job outside of dirt-clod stacking is a miracle. The only 'Dynasty' you are attached to might be the re-runs of that dated show," added the star.

And the "Anger Management" star did not stop here. He further continued saying, "The only thing you should ever be in charge of building is a hole in the ground the exact size of your head.Perhaps your beard would fit as well if you plucked out the army of scabies and bull weevils sequestered deep in it's sarcophagus of dander and weasel pelts. Shame on you. You're the only surviving brain donor I've ever known."

Sheen even said that Phil is replusive and he asked the actor to modify his actions in favor of people he had offended.

Regarding his take on homosexuality Phil Robertson had said in his interview to GQ, "It seems like, to me, a vagina-as a man-would be more desirable than a man's anus."

"Everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong,Sin becomes fine. Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men," added Phil

Phil's audacious comments has led to his suspension from the show and A&E is apparently planning to take the much popular reality show off the air.

Let us know what do you think about Phil Robertson's comments and Sheen's reaction to it.