The editor-in-chief of Dutch magazine, Jackie, filed her resignation following the Rihanna scandal.

Eva Hoeke served as the EIC of the Dutch magazine for eight years but decided to step down from her position amidst the racial claims of American RnB-Pop songstress Rihanna.

The magazine ran an article wherein it described Rihanna as "n****r b***h." The magazine already apologize to the singer and to the public explaining that the phrase was meant to be a joke and a term used to describe the singer's fashion and style. The statement made the singer furious and claimed that the phrase was racial and that the publication is a racist.

However, Hoeke resigned from her post saying that the scandal hurt her credibility as a journalist. She said that she received a lot of pressure from the social media and promised to make language amendments to future issues of Jackie.

Hoeke had taken a stand through social media sites following the outrage from Rihanna's racial controversy explaining that there is nothing racial in the statements.

Hoeke mentioned that the singer will have the opportunity to comment on the story on the next issue of the magazine.

In retaliation of the singer to the magazine's statements, Rihanna wrote,

"I hope u can read english, because your magazine is a poor representation of the evolution of human rights! I find you disrespectful and rather desperate!! You ran out of legit, civilized information to print! There are 1000's of Dutch girls who would love to be recognized for their contributions to your country, you could have given them an article. Instead, u paid to print one degrading an entire race! That's your contribution to this world! To encourage segregation, to mislead the future leaders to act in the past! You put two words together, with the intent of abasement, that made no sense ... 'N---a Bitch'?!....Well with all respect, on behalf of my race, here are my two words for you ... F--- YOU!!!

Here is the translated apology by Eva Hoeke via Twitter:

"We are of course very fed up over this and especially very shocked. However I'm glad that we're engaging in a dialogue on this page - not everybody does that," Hoeke said in a translated response.

"Thanks for this. Other than that I can be brief about this: this should have never happened. Period. While the author meant no harm - the title of the article was intended as a joke - it was a bad joke, to say the least. And that slipped through my, the editor-in-chief's, fingers. Stupid, painful and sucks for all concerned. The author has been addressed on it, and now I can only ensure that these terms will no longer end up in the magazine." said Hoeke.