Following Dallas Mavericks owner, Marc Cuban's statement that the team failed to get the signature of free agent, Dwight Howard, the video on which the team pitched to Howard went viral. The interesting part? It's superhero-themed and full of good things said about Howard. Cool!

Dwight Howard should be very flattered. It is not every day that people will make a video for you just to get you on their side, especially not the Dallas Mavericks. But the team did, and the result is this awesome video we all get to have fun with. The video went viral even though it was not successful in reining in the free agent.

Dwight Howard is the man of the hour, for the Dallas Mavericks, that is. According to the Mavs owner, Marc Cuban, Howard will suit perfectly in Mavs. The free agent has the talent naturally. But beyond that, Howard also fits into the team's culture, is very smart and a good listener. Someone definitely you want to have in your team. The owner had recognised the risks and chances that he was taking, but he believed in the rewards too.

Apparently, the team wanted it so much the members will go to any lengths, even make a video. Just goes to show how the Mavs do things: go big or go home! Certainly makes you respect the team all the more.

Sad then the free agent had it in him to ignore the 'plea'.

Check out the video below. Isn't it convincing? I'm sure a lot of us would have been flattered and convinced. But then, we're not Dwight Howard. So dreaming on...