Gabrielle Union celebrated her 41st birthday on Oct. 29. Her basketball-superstar-boyfriend Dwyane Wade gave her a ring as present.

Union doesn't really age. She stills looks pretty much the same cheerleader back in her Bring it On days. She hosted a party at the Hyde nightclub in Miami on Tuesday. She was joined by the closest of her friends.

Dwyane Wade had to leave the very same night of Union's party for a basketball match in Philadelphia on Wednesday. The Miami Heat star came with a small but very significant gift. Not to mention, the gift really costs a fortune.

"Dwyane came to her party with his gift," a source told Page Six. "Dwyane hand her a small gift-wrapped box," the source continued. "She opened it and Dwyane put the ring on her finger," said the source.

The ring is Dwyane's championship ring. Apparently, Dywane Wade and the rest of the Miami Heat team received their championship rings earlier the night of Gabrielle's birthday bash. He decided to probably come over to her girlfriend's party so that she can have a look at the fat ring.

"Thank you to the man that forgets to put the cap back on to the toothpaste, who flushes the non-flushable wipes, but always goes all out for my birthday," Union wrote on Dwyane's Instagram.

There is just no stopping the love that Wade and Union has for each other. Maybe, Wade will give Union an engagement ring soon. We will just have to wait for it to happen. As for now, the couple is living happily unmarried.

"We are not rushing to get married," Wade told "Gabby and I have been married before, we have to understand that if we want to marry again, we have to do it right," said Wade. We both failed in marriage once, so we want to make sure that the next one will definitely last forever," Wade concluded.