Take a look at the photo below. It a handwritten note, but whether it is Dwyane Wade's handwriting or not, we wouldn't know. All we know is that this picture was posted on Wade's Instagram account on Tuesday. A link of the said photo was also posted on Wade's Twitter account. It is likely that Wade did it but it is also possible that someone on his behalf might've done it.

On Wednesday, the next day, Kevin Durant seemed to have replied to Wade's Instagram post. "Show me, don't tweet me," Durant tweeted. However, Durant never mentioned if his tweet was in response to Wade's Instagram post. People could only speculate that his tweet is for Wade, although not in a direct manner.

Surely, there is an explanation for these social media feud and we will be hearing more of this in the coming days. Here's what we have got.

According to CBS Sports, Kevin Durant talked about "Sports Illustrated's Top 10" list in a video found on CineSport. Durant said something about replacing Wade, who made it on the list, with former teammate James Harden.

"I think you are missing James Harden," Durant said in the said video when he was asked if there is a player missing on the list. A follow-up question came up and he was asked who to remove to make room for Harden. "Dwayne Wade," he answered instantaneously.

It is not always that we see professional basketball players bash each other at social networking sites. Maybe this entire little feud is purely for good, harmless fun. Well, they are the only ones to know. The two great basketball players even did a commercial for sports drink Gatorade once. Oh well, we'll see what happens next. This is so much for social media absurdity.