Woody Allen
Woody Allen Reuters

American director Woody Allen has come out in his defence against all the sexual assault changes being framed against him by his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow and called her daughter charges as "untrue and disgraceful." Dylan, now 28 and married had earlier written an open letter to New York Times alleging that her world famous dad sexually assaulted her when she was just 7-years-old.

However, many Web sites are of the opinion that Dylan came out with a detailed account of her sexual abuse at the time when her world famous father is nominated for the Oscars, does not sound correct. LA Times writer Robin Abcarian is of the opinion that the allegations just came in time for prestigious awards.

"With the Golden Globes in the rearview mirror, the scandal has been revived again in time for the Oscars. It seems to be the culmination of a Farrow family plan to destroy or at least tarnish the man they blame for blowing up their family, first by allegedly sexually abusing Dylan, then by taking Mia Farrow's daughter, Soon-Yi Previn, into his bed in 1991, when she was 19 and he was 56. I can't blame the Farrows for loathing Allen," writes Abcarian.

"Coming forward again may empower Dylan Farrow, 28, in as much as it puts unsavory accusations against Woody Allen front and center at a time when Oscar voters are casting ballots. I earnestly believe that the contours of Farrow's life are not going to change one bit if Woody Allen wins another Oscar. His disdain for awards is legendary and, at 78, his place in Hollywood history is already assured. If Farrow's goal is to make sure the asterisk about Allen's personal life never goes away, she's succeeded at her task," adds the writer further.

Woody Allen's sexual abuse case made headlines way back in 1993 but it was dismissed by court at that time. However, no one heard from Dylan Farrow after that and now after so many years, she has decided to come out and tell her side of story to the world. Dylan's full letter, which can be read here, shocked the nation and many celebrities but unfortunately her father has downplayed it.

"Mr Allen has read the article and found it untrue and disgraceful. He will be responding very soon. In the meantime, it is essential that your coverage make the following facts clear," Leslee Dart, a publicist for Allen released a statement.

"At the time, a thorough investigation was conducted by court appointed independent experts. The experts concluded there was no credible evidence of molestation; that Dylan Farrow had an inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality; and that Dylan Farrow had likely been coached by her mother, Mia Farrow. No charges were ever filed," the statement added further.

But why has Dylan Farrow come out to give her side of the story after so many years? The 28-year-old says she just could not bear the sight of his famous dad bestowed with an honour of Life Time Achievement Award at the recent Golden Globes. She felt the awards were a way to "tell me to shut up and go away."

"But the survivors of sexual abuse who have reached out to me -- to support me and to share their fears of coming forward, of being called a liar, of being told their memories aren't their memories -- have given me a reason to not be silent, if only so others know that they don't have to be silent either," Dylan explained in the letter. She has been getting lot of supporters for coming out in open.

Dylan's brother Ronan Farrow also tweeted in support of his sister. "I love and support my sister and I think her words speak for themselves," Ronan wrote on Twitter.

"It's obviously been a long and painful situation for the family and I hope they find some resolution and peace," actress Cate Blanchett wrote on Twitter.

What are your views on the story? Do you believe that Dylan Farrow did the right thing to come out in open after so many years?