Earth’s Global Warming Exacerbated by Sun’s Solar Activities
New research of scientists from China's space weather laboratory has disclosed that the planet Earth's global warming status is influenced and exacerbated by the sun's solar activities.
The research, published in a peer-reviewed Chinese language journal Chinese Science Bulletin, claimed there is a strong correlations between solar activity and the Earth's averaged surface temperature based on the existence of significant resonance cycles.
"During the past 100 years, solar activities display a clear increasing tendency that corresponds to the global warming of the Earth (including land and ocean) very well. Particularly, the ocean temperature has a slightly higher correlation to solar activity than the land temperature. All these demonstrate that solar activity has a non-negligible forcing on the temperature change of the Earth on the time scale of centuries," Dr Zhao Xinhua and Dr Feng Xueshang said in the English language abstract of the study.
To prove the sun's activities are impacting global warming, the researchers adopted the wavelet analysis technique and cross correlation method to investigate the periodicities of solar activity and the Earth's temperature, including their correlations, during the past centuries.
"Our sun is currently in the midst of a solar maximum, which means that the sun is at a peak in solar activity. It's therefore not surprising that the "modern maximum" of solar activity corresponds with the recent global warming of Earth," Science World Report noted.
The Chinese study directly contradicts the assumptions by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that the global average temperatures now are caused by the release of the anthropogenic greenhouse gases.
The climate models of IPCC seem to underestimate the impact of natural factors on the climate change, while overstate that of human activities, the researchers said.
"Solar activity is an important ingredient of natural driving forces of climate. Therefore, it is valuable to investigate the influence of solar variability on the Earth's climate change on long time scales."