I.Q. increasing foods apart, certain things we eat do start killing off those brain cells. Foods rather certain foods are known to have a devastating effect in brain functions - so while they do not have to be completely struck off diet - consumption in moderation is the way to go.

No to Sugar

A diet rich in sugar over long periods can actually create a host of neurological problems as well as interfere with memory and the ability to learn. Sugar decreases brain activity because it affects insulin's ability to help brain cells use sugar to process thoughts and emotions. Stop stuffing your face with sweets, slathering pancakes with syrup or adding heaps of sugar to coffee. Artifical sweeteners do not help either - if used for an extended period of time and in big quantities, artificial sweeteners can cause brain damage and interfere with your cognitive capacity.

No to Junk

Kids are often told to avoid junk food lest it rots their brains. Well, here's good reason. A 2011 British study of nearly 4,000 children found that those who ate primarily junk food (lots of processed and fast food) at age three had a small drop in IQ five years later compared with children who ate healthier diets. Another study at the University of Montreal has revealed that junk food can alter brains chemicals thus leading to symptoms associated with depression, anxiety and withdrawal. High-fat affects the production of dopamine, an important chemical that not only promotes overall feeling of well-being but also supports the cognitive function, the learning capacity, alertness, motivation and memory.

No to Alcohol

A liver killer, alcohol is also causes what "brain fog" - a feeling of mental confusion which acts like a cloud and impacts your ability to think clearly or recall things. High alcohol drinkers often cannot remember common item names and events plus can no longer differentiate between reality and a dream? Fortunately, these symptoms are reversible provided that you stop consuming alcohol, or you limit your intake to one or two drinks per week.

No to low-carbs

Great for the curves, but so bad for the brain! Ditching carbs can sap brainpower (along with energy and mood). Acoording to a small Tufts University study of 19 women between the ages of 22 and 55, when dieters eliminated carbohydrates they showed a gradual dip in cognitive skills (particularly on memory-related tests) compared to a group who stayed on a low-calorie diet that included healthy carbs. Also if you do consume regular grains, the body ages quicker. Try swapping the regular carbs for the complex carbohydrates - all you need to do is to opt for whole grain bread!

No to Packet Foods

So yes, all pre-cooked, packet foods contain harmful stuff like chemicals, dyes, additives, artificial flavors, preservatives and more which can affect the behavior and the cognitive functioning. Fried or processed foods slowly destroy the nerve cells located in the brain while the transfats in them actually result in brain shrinkage. Processed or pre-cooked foods also impact your central nervous system. Research suggests that foods which contain high amounts of salt (sodium) can affect your cognitive function and impair your ability to think too..