Ebola Outbreak Out of Control: Video Explains Why Bats Transmits this Virus and Other Diseases [Watch YouTube Clip]

Health experts reported that the deadly Ebola outbreak in the three West African countries is "out of control." This deadly virus is naturally transmitted from wild animals to people and spreads through human-to-human transmission causing great alarm not just in West Africa but all over the world. The Ebola virus is considered to be naturally hosted by fruit bats.
Minute Earth explained in a YouTube video why bats transmit so many diseases not just Ebola but also Nipah, Hendra, Marburg, and SARS.
The video uploaded by Minute Earth explained that hemorrhagic fever like Ebola kills up to 90 percent of the infected population. This pathogen along with the other mentioned nasty viruses have emerged in the last 50 years and are all carried by bats.
While bats are the natural hosts, these animals are not entirely to be blamed for the Ebola outbreak that has gone "out of control." The video mentioned that humans and animals have scraped even further into the bats' territory particularly in the tropics.
In the video, freelance journalist Kate Yandell stated that bats appeared to carry more deadly human diseases than any other animals. This is largely because different species of bats often stay together in large quantity within a closed location. This helps the spread of virus between individuals and species.
In addition, the video explained that most infected bats live normal lives instead of dying. Sick bats fly around and let the virus spread. The bats' capability to fly was even mentioned as one of the reasons why bats are resilient to virus infection.
The nasty virus from the bats requires a perfectly controlled temperature of 37°C inside a normal resting human body for it to thrive. But when bats are in flight, the animal's temperature rises up to 40°C. Some viruses like Ebola has evolved to tolerate the excruciating heat with the increased temperature. This explains why the Ebola virus can survive a meager human fever. The bats' capability to fly has made the animal immune to the virus which in turn made it immune to humans.
The video further explained that the bats are not the biggest carrier of the Ebola virus but it's the humans.
According to the July 31, 204 update of the World Health Organization, a total of 53 new cases of Ebola virus infection and 58 deaths have been reported from the countries of Nigeria, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.
For the past few months, the virus has already spread to 472 people and has already claimed 346 lives in Guinea. There were also 391 cases of Ebola virus infection and 227 deaths in Liberia. For Sierra Leone, there were already 574 cases and 252 deaths reported. In Nigeria, the virus has already infected 3 people with one death reported.
Overall, there were already 1,440 cases of Ebola virus infection and 826 deaths reported from the four West African countries. According to an article in LA Times, the Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow for Global Health Laurie Garett, there is no strategic plan on how we are going to bring the Ebola outbreak "under control."
Watch the video on why do bats transmit so many diseases like Ebola from YouTube.
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