At Eco Beach Broome, it's all about sustainability of the environment and the resort's kitchen! Keen gardener and 'Chef de Cuisine', Kenneth Clapham, is passionate about cooking with fresh, seasonal, organic, culinary ingredients. With a little help from volunteers from 'WWOOFers' (Willing Workers on Organic Farms), Kenneth's herb and vegetable patches have blossomed into thriving organic vegetable gardens, which now supply 70% of the resort restaurant's fresh produce needs - with beans to rival those in any fairytale! Fresh, delicious meals are created with very little supplementation from fresh food retailers.

At Eco Beach the focus is on holistic well-being with a deep belief that food and rejuvenating holidays are synergistic. Combining healthy food and 'time out' with Mother Nature is the perfect recipe for nourishing body, mind and spirit. Eco Beach's culinary vision also satisfies palates and supports sustainability of the planet.

Blessed with 11 hours of sunshine a day, and an abundance of 'wet season' rain water available for watering, Eco Beach's herbs, vegetables and fruit have the perfect growing environment. Right now, Eco Beach's organic produce is waging a war against stealthy wallabies and persistent grasshoppers, but managing to claim victory! As a WWOOF host, Eco Beach must refrain from using chemical herbicides, weedicides and non-organic fertilisers. So it's up to vigilant staff members to fend off the pests!

Mostly grown from seed, Eco Beach's garden produce is bursting with vitality. Last week, 30 litres of green beans were picked! They are so abundant that 10 kilograms a week can be supplied to the resort restaurant. The rocket is 'rocketing'; Cos and Iceberg lettuces, Chinese and Red cabbages are flourishing; Asian greens of bok choi, pak choi, tatsoi, red choi and choi sum are taking over and the Broccoli plants are shooting. Butternut and Japanese pumpkins are fruiting whilst the Thai and Lebanese eggplants just delivered a 20 kilo pick!

The paw paws and passionfruits are conquering the cold mornings and soon Eco Beach will be supplying the region with bananas they are doing so well! The Baby beetroot leaves are on to their third clipping for salads, ensuring guests receive a good boost of antioxidants! The carrots are taking root and the ginger and turmeric are sustaining the Chef's desire for spice.

The edible flowers of Marigolds, Nasturtiums and Pansies are creating colour and adding interest to many dishes, whilst exotic okras and luffas are on to their second crops. Herb gardens of Thai, Lemon, Greek and Holy basil, parsley, coriander and mint are prolific.

The gardens are fertilised with chicken manure from the retreat's chickens who are fed all the vegetable scraps and kindly produce 20 free-range eggs a day. Other environmental initiatives at the retreat include solar power, passive solar design, recycling, use of greywater to water the landscaped gardens, low flow taps, showerheads and toilets. A truly sustainable environment, contributing to a sustainable planet!

This article was first published on My Green Australia. My Green Australia is a resource of information about living green and healthier in Australia. We want to protect and cherish our country and preserve the natural beauty of Australia for many generations to come.