No change in the economy's current sluggish pace, judging by yesterday's data.

Headline inflation remains reasonably high, driven by the rain and flood damage to vegetables and fruit, business credit is subdued, business stocks rose in the three months to December, corporate profits fell slightly and wages and salaries were up a touch.

Nothing will influence the Reserve Bank at its board meeting today.

The forecast for tomorrow's 4th quarter GDP estimates from the Australian Bureau of Statistics remain around the 0.3% to 0.7% level, based on the inventory and other business indicators from the ABS yesterday.

AAP said yesterday a survey of economists had come up with a 0.6% estimate for GDP.

The Bureau said inventories rose 0.7% in seasonally adjusted terms in the December quarter, manufacturing sale of goods and services were up an estimated 0.8%, seasonally adjusted, while wholesalers' sales of goods and services were up by the same amount.

The ABS said the seasonally adjusted estimate for company gross operating profits fell 2.8% in the December quarter 2010 and the