Disney Darlings Gone Delinquent, Jail and Rehab Plus More
The “Transformers” star had gotten himself arrested. Reuters/Anthony DelMundo

Contrary to previous reports, Shia LaBoeuf was not an erratic troublemaker last Thursday just because he was overly drunk. He may now be receiving treatment for alcohol addiction, but it was not the only cause of his bizaare behaviour at all. Radar Online claims his experimentation with the drug ecstasy coupled with drinking was the one that made him disruptive and disrespectful last week in New York City that led to his arrest.

"Shia has been using ecstasy on a recurring basis in the last several months, along with alcohol," an insider revealed to Radar Online. "His bizarre behavior during his recent arrest in New York City, was likely the result mixing alcohol with ecstasy."

The source also said that police not detecting any strong alcoholic odor on him is a dead giveaway. It was easy to assume that drinking was the cause but the police suspected him to be under the influence of a different substance. Shia reportedly disrespected the police by swearing and spitting at them while handcuffed.

"Cops didn't detect a strong odor of alcohol at the time of Shia's arrest, and suspected he was under the influence of another substance," the source explained.

Shia realized his mistakes immediately and got treatment for his alcohol abuse. His agent releases a statement: "He understands that these recent actions are a symptom of a larger health problem and he has taken the first of many necessary steps towards recovery. Contrary to previous erroneous reports, Shia LaBeouf has not checked into a rehabilitation facility but he is voluntarily receiving treatment for alcohol addiction."

Radar Online's source however claimed that being treated for alcohol addiction is well and good, but far from enough.

"It's a very good sign that he has finally decided to get treatment, but it should be on an inpatient basis. He is still fighting the process."

On Friday, LaBeouf was charged with two counts of disorderly conduct, one for trespassing and another for criminal trespassing and harassment in the second degree. Because the charges are misdemeanours, Shia is not likely to face jail time if found guilty, Reuters reported.