The dating site of eHarmony, which helps people to find serious and lasting relations, is taking its successful cupid algorithms to a completely different segment of prospective job hunters! A pet project of Neil Clark Warren, the founder eHarmony, this career platform of Elevated Careers by eHarmony is expected to be launched by December.

eHarmony would help the prospective candidates in finding the best employers to ensure a long lasting relation. The figures of the Bureau of Labour Statistics suggests that the typical worker in the U.S. stays with his or her employer for 4.6 years, and eHarmony wonders why that couldn't be longer. "The goal will be to help people get a job where they really belong," eHarmony founder and CEO Neil Clark Warren tells MarketWatch.

Attrition continues to be a serious problem for many industries and Elevated Careers by eHarmony is striving to pair up employees with a stable work environment where they will stick for long and be happy and more productive. It would be interesting to watch how well a dating site can fit into the role of a matchmaker for the career aspiration of the job seekers.

By ensuring better suited employees, the employers would be relieved of the tension of trained hands jumping the ship quite often. eHarmony would be charging only the employers and not the job seekers to pay for the service in the initial stage.

"Matching people for careers is about an $80 billion business," Warren says. "Matching people for marriage - while very, very important - is a $2.5 billion business. So we are looking to increase the size of our business."

The new match making service for employees the Elevated careers will match the applicants with jobs based on four main factors including the skill sets needed for the job, the cultural fit of the company, the personality traits of the direct supervisors and the traits of the colleagues with the help of a questionnaire survey for the applicants.