Ex-NRL player Anthony Watts is facing an eight-week ban as a punishment for biting an opponent's crotch during on the Gold Coast during a local rugby match.

Watts, who plays as halfback and a hooker, is currently signed with Tugun Seahawks, a Gold Coast Rugby League.

Apparently, the incident occurred during a first round final match against the Bilambil Jets on Sept. 1. A video footage posted by Bleacher Report shows one of Jets' players throbbing in excruciating pain after colliding with Watts.

As seen on video, the injured player was waiving to the referee, indicating that he had been bitten. Crazy story, huh! He, then, immediately pulled his shorts down and showed to the referee the damage inflicted on his crotch. Subsequently after, Watts had been placed on account for such incident.

On Tuesday night, Watts was brought before a magistrate hearing on an opposing demeanor charge.

The Gold Coast Rugby League has not said anything yet, but is expected to deliver an official statement on Wednesday about the incident. "We just have to follow the process, like with any biting offense, except this is a little out of the extraordinary," says operations manager Tom Marzella.

Later on, it has been confirmed by News Corp Australia that Watts has been suspended to play for eight games, having been found guilty for the offense.

"Mr. Watts is given a week to lodge a petition and he is set to seek legal advice on this," said Mark Williams, who acts as Watts' attorney.

During his career in the rugby league, Watts has always been quite drawn in numerous offenses. It has been reported that he had hit an opponent in the final game of the Bycroft Cup. He was also arrested for a driving offense just last week. Sure enough, Watts is really no stranger to trouble, but this incident is definitely something, biting someone else's private body part.