Usually everyone looks forward to define success and achieve outstanding results in their businesses with using Email marketing as one of the key tools. Email Marketing is one of the most powerful promotion tools, or rather to be very precise, the most powerful 'selling' tool that businesses of all types and sizes have as their wild card.

Businesses use Email marketing to keep in touch with customers and prospects. However, not everyone notices that thin line of differentiation between simply adding people to your contacts list and running a savvy campaign that drives traffic to your website and generates sales. Best practices in email marketing demand communications that go beyond advertising, respect the customer, and speak in a familiar one-on-one style. Seth Godin, whose book Permission Marketing set the rules that transformed email marketing into what it is today says, "Email is the most personal advertising medium in history. If your email isn't personal, it's broken."

A few email marketing tips could help you maximize the power of your email marketing

Split Testing - A Powerful Tool

The online marketers are constantly on a virtual war. Therefore, they need a weapon that can help them protect their business from rest of the competitors. Now, for this, split testing is a powerful tool. This gives you the options of testing different variables on your website as well as in your marketing campaigns, so that you can determine different combinations to generate the most email subscriptions.

Deciding on placing an opt-in form on your website or using a sign in button can make you go crazy. So, a split test can pit various choices against each other and determine a statistically significant winner.

Split Testing Broadcast Messages

Well, use your 'broadcast messages' as useful entrants for split testing. This can be important and you should make the most out of broadcast messages because broadcast messages usually proclaim timely information such as product launches and sales promotions. Regard as split testing both the subject line and call to action in your broadcast messages. Even small developments in open and click-through rates make a noteworthy difference in your email marketing.

Customer Survey is Important

Why would anyone need their customers email addresses and what is the benefit? Well, This is the most beneficial for market research potential. Consider trying to decide whether to stock Brand A or Brand B, you don't need to rely on gut instinct. All you need to do is, set up a survey and use email to ask customers for their feedback. And trust me, this is instant. These surveys also enable you to gather demographic data about your customers.

First Inform, then Sell

Most of the online marketers tend to approach email marketing as yet another opportunity to make their sales pitch. But they forget that this is often a shortsighted view. Rather, you can use your email messages to provide helpful information and strengthen our customer relationships. This will help the customers to rely on you as an industry expert and in-turn increase your sales.

Tailor Your Email Marketing Messages to Specific Customers

When you are about to compose a marketing message, it is better to tailor your email marketing messages to specific customers. This will make your message more effective and enhance your promotions. The key lies in email list segments - groups of subscribers who have a certain characteristic in common. The specific segments that work best will vary according to business and industry. But experimenting with different types of segmenting and targeting will make your messages more interesting and relevant to subscribers and, consequently will result in higher sales.

Clean Your List Regularly

It's a waste of your time and money to run behind email list subscribers who no longer open your messages. Because most list management programs bill by the number of email addresses, it's important to take time each month to "scrub" (here what I precisely mean by scrub is to clean your email list and filter it so that you have removed all the unwanted email addresses from that list) your list and remove people you've fallen out of touch with. Keeping your list clean will help ensure that it's as effective as possible.

Industry Leaders Magazine