Emilia Clarke takes ‘Game of Thrones’’ ‘Where are my dragons?’ dialogue pretty much everywhere

Emilia Clarke has asked a series of questions in period “Game of Thrones” style, spoofing the popular “where are my dragons?” dialogue. Clarke, who plays Daenerys Targaryen in the megahit HBO high-fantasy drama series, is known by various names such as Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons and Mhysa. She was the object of intense memes after her dialogue became viral and fans did not leave any stone unturned to make fun of that.
However, Clarke has taken the fun one notch up by making a video of her where she screams relevant day-to-day life questions in “where are my dragons?” style. It goes with her “tough competitor” character.
[Spoiler Alert] Daenerys has survived numerous assassination attempts, a weird distasteful brother who thought dragon blood flowed in his veins, the wrath of Mereneese people and of course Khal Drogo’s rape. “Game of Thrones” Season 6 trailers and photos have revealed a captured Khaleesi. Hence, Internet memes are the last thing to put her off. Instead, she took them in the right spirit.
Watch Emilia Clarke in this hilarious video here.
Source: YouTube/Glamour Magazine
Clarke screams for her wig, her frapuccino, kale chips and even her accent. Next, she expands her list of things to her Uber, her TV remote, toilet and toilet paper, Spanx, plunger and even her cleavage.
Viewers will also get a glimpse of Clarke asking Justin Bieber, “Justin, where are you now that I need you? I mean, is it too much now to say you’re sorry?” The video ends with Clarke asking about her b--- plug, boyfriend and privacy.
Recently, Clarke revealed why she wants to win the Iron Throne and it is not only to rule the Seven Kingdoms. In an interview with Glamour Magazine, Clarke was asked what storyline she would like to see if she were writing “Game of Thrones.”
“I want to see Daenerys and her three dragons share the throne. Eat goat they’ve barbecued. And bring back all the pretty boys, get them to take their trousers down, and be like, ‘I’m now the queen of everything! I’d like close-ups of all the boys’ penises, please,’” Clarke told Glamour .