After having been caught on camera for puffing a cigarette following their Napoli win in the UEFA Champions League, England midfielder Jack Wilshere is now focused on their clash against Montenegro on Friday.

Wilshere admitted of the crime, apologised and sorted it out with Arsenal Manager Arsene Wenger.

"I know that I did wrong," Wilshere told The Independent.

"I spoke to the boss [Arsène Wenger] and he supported me through it. He gave me a little telling off, we dealt with it. He put me in the team on Sunday and I hopefully repaid him with a goal. So it was dealt with."

He is still adapting to life as a rising superstar in the football world wherein every move is magnified.

"Yeah, it is tough. It is not just players who make mistakes. I am sure you have made some! If I get caught it looks bad but it's been dealt with now" he added.

"I spoke to the boss. I said before I am not a smoker, I don't smoke 10-a-day or whatever as people have been saying! It was a mistake and I have learned from it."

When prompted with the question of whether smoking was wrong, particularly, as a football player, he answered in the affirmative.

"Yeah, it is. I am a top, top athlete. I am not just a footballer. I am an athlete. We have to be at the top of our game," said Wilshere.

What was an incident that created a big fuss in English football has now become a source of jokes in the Gunners camp.

"He said 'You smoked that shot' after I scored on Sunday," Wilshere spoke of club physio Colin Levin.

"When I am getting angry they now say 'Calm down, have a fag'," referring to remarks coming from his teammates.

Wilshere believes that Montenegro will be playing a more defensive oriented game on their half which will give him the opportunity to put on display his creativity and passing precision.

He will be ready to take on the challenge and intimated that expectations are "part and parcel of being a footballer."