Despite having one of the most stuffed line-up in the Euroleague, Fenerbahce coach Zeljko Obradovic remains levelheaded and acknowledges FC Barcelona as the favoured team.

"FC Barcelona is a team which always goes to the final Four and has become the champion a couple times. We are going to be playing one of the main favorites this year, like every year.," Obradovic told

"They are a team that played together for many years but this year there are some new players. We respect them very much and for sure it will be a very difficult game for us."

Fenerbahce point guard Kenan Sipahi revealed that his team will maximise the home court advantage and that they are very much ready.

"We have played good up until now with no losses so far. We would like to continue this. In this game we are going to be very strong in our arena with the support of our fans," said Sipahi.

"I believe its going to be much different then last years game. We are working hard in preparing for this game."

In contrast, coach Xavier Pascual admits that even a superstar-laden club like Barcelona needs time to gel.

"We are in front one of the big games of the regular season against one of the candidates for the final title. We are still under construction as a team, just like them, we are new teams that need time to build the chemistry,"

Pascual anticipates that Fenerbahce will take advantage of their strength in the perimeter as they have a couple of big guys who could do damage inside and out.

"Having two versatile players as Bjelica and Kleiza gives them many options. They are big men but are also a threat from outside. Coach Obradovic is probably giving those players a lot of calmness and stability. Those are intangibles that surely contribute to the game of Fenerbahce," said Pascual.

Schedule and Free Live Online Streaming (Link/s will be provided an hour before tip-off):

October 26, 2013 - 3 am (AEST)