U.S. basketball legend Scottie Pippen has been named a suspect in a felony assault investigation. The retired NBA player allegedly knocked out a man in California on Sunday night.

The 47-year-old former Chicago Bulls baller was outside the Nobu restaurant in Malibu when he was approached by an autograph seeker. When Pippen refused, TMZ said that "something happened" that set off a fight the next moment.

It remains unknown what triggered the fight exactly.

A witness told the U.S. gossip site that Pippen "beat the f*** out of" the victim.

The violent scene ended with the alleged victim had to be taken to a local hospital by ambulance. A family member said that he suffered broken teeth, swollen mouth, and back and head injuries, though he was released from the hospital the following morning.

Police were called to the scene, but the 6'8" star had already left.

Nevertheless, Michael Jordan's court sidekick contacted authorities and went to their headquarters to speak about the incident. Apparently, the police decided not to arrest him after he spoke with them, but the investigation is ongoing.

He is now named as a suspect for felony assault with intent to commit great bodily injury.

His attorney had no comment about the case.

Pippen's most illustrious times in his career happened when he was playing with Jordan in the Chicago Bulls in the late '80s to early '90s. He was part of the first Dream Team that competed in the Olympics in 1992.