Scott Thorson, the ex-lovers of pianist Liberace and pop icon Michael Jackson, could be giving AEG fodder in its ongoing legal battle against Katherine Jackson, the mother of the King of Pop.

In an interview with an Australian radio station, Thorson claimed Jackson's drug addiction, one of the issues being raised by AEG, the producer of Michael's London concerts, started when he had numerous plastic surgeries done on his face.

Also being raised by AEG, which is battling the wrongful death claim of Katherine that allegedly deprived the Jacksons of billions of dollars in future income, is his gay lifestyle that is also being linked to his drug use.

Thorson, in an interview with GOLD 104.3 FM, reiterated what he had said before that Liberace introduced him to Michael and they eventually became lovers. He had made the same revelation in other radio shows like this one.

"I was introduced to Michael Jackson through Liberace back in '77 and we had a fantastic relationship and when Lee and I broke up in '82, Michael swept me off my feet and said, 'hey, I'm breaking away from the Jackson 5, I'm going solo, this is when the Thriller tour started," quoted the 53-year-old former lover and driver of Liberace.

But he admitted their relationship did not last for long. "It was short term because Michael became very big at the time and his management team and head of security Bill Bray thought it would be best that we not go any further with our relationship because I was still going through the big court scene with Liberace and all that," he explained.

Liberace had filed theft charges against Thorson, who served sentence for the charge.

He added that he and Michael remained friends despite their break up as lovers.

Liberace's life and love story is featured in the upcoming film Behind the Candelabra with Michael Douglas playing the role of the flambouyant pianist and Matt Damon as his gay lover.