After giving a 34-second flashy sneak-peek at the next instalment of the Transformer movie series in February, "Transformers: Age of Extinction" released its new trailer on March 5. The 2:34-minute video went viral within hours of its release.

Transformers fans have been restlessly waiting for the third sequel of the box-office money-spinning movie series for long as the second one, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, released three years back in 2011. It was only during Super Bowl in February 2014 that we got to watch the first teaser of the upcoming sequel. While the teaser did provide enough fuel to the fire of curiosity, it was hardly enough for those who wanted to see a lot more than what was offered to them after a 3-year-long wait. The prayers seem to have been answered as the longer version of the trailer shows a lot more.

The Michael Bay movie trailer claims that the "Rules Have Changed." "Transformers: Age of Extinction" promises to be different as there is going to be a number of new protagonists such as Cade Yeager played by Mark Wahlberg. The character of Yeager seems to be recycled from the character of Sparkplug in the original animated series. Yeager is capable of bringing life back to old Junkers, Yahoo Movies reported.

Another fresh entry to the cast is Stanley Tucci who declares in the trailer, "We don't need you anymore." Kelsey Grammer, Tucci's fellow newcomer, announces: "The day of the Transformers is over." However, the end of Transformers is not what we have been waiting for. The new "Transformers: Age of Extinction" trailer delivers exactly what viewers have been waiting for. A brand new 2014 Concept Camaro along with Crosshairs which is expected to transform into a 2014 Chevrolet Corvette C7 Stingray is sure to set new standards in movie technology.

Within hours of its upload on YouTube, the new trailer has reached 2,452,042 views when last checked. The first teaser has already been watched 7,850,123 times since its release during the Super Bowl in February 2014.