Exercises To Boost Your Running Speed

There are different elements to improve when running and speed is one of these. There are also special training methods that will be needed to improve your overall time. Here are some exercises to boost running speed and their respective pros and cons.
Interval training
Interval training involves alternating periods of fast and slow running, based on a report by TheWest.com. One of the main advantages of interval training to boost running speed is learning how to rely on different body systems to provide energy for the legs to move very quickly. The body has to be acclimatized to using the different systems. To start interval training, go for a light run for two to five minutes followed by 30 seconds to two minutes of sprinting, then return to light running for two to eight minutes. Repeat the cycle four to 10 times. If you will run for a shorter period of time, repeat the cycle more frequently.
The disadvantage of interval training is recovery. Since you will be training more intensely compared to doing a long light run, you will need more time to recover to boost running speed. This means that interval training should be done only two to four times a week, depending on your body's ability to adapt and recover. Beginners should monitor their progress. If you feel muscle pain or fatigue on a training day, skip it to rest more and avoid injury.
Run straights and curves
In a report by Runner's World, run straight stretches of track then walk curved pathways. The walking part will help your muscles recover. Run as fast as you can when doing the straight paths then check your speed. You can do the workout in a park by setting landmarks to determine where to walk or sprint.
Sprinters develop their fast-twitch fibers more to boost running speed and power compared to long-distance runners who develop their slow-twitch fibers for endurance. It is ideal to work out your fast-twitch fibers to build more speed and power. This can only be done by sprinting as fast as you can. People should also be mindful of their form and the way their feet hits the pavement to avoid knee and foot injuries.