The social networking Web site LinkedIn have reached their two million members mark during the love month. And because of the hard work of the 3,500 LinkedIn employees, the company's CEO, Jeff Weiner, gave them a special gift on Valentine's Day.

Mr Weiner rewarded all his employees with 32GB of Apple's iPad Mini in white or black. Krista Canfield, LinkedIn's senior manager of corporate communications, confirmed the giveaway. "We wanted to acknowledge the hard work and accomplishments of all of our employees in 2012. During today's biweekly All Hands meeting, we surprised our employees with iPad Minis as a small gesture of the company's gratitude for their contributions," she told Business Insider.

This is the best quarter ever for LinkedIn Corporation with the tech firm beating revenue expectations by $25 million. The company's fourth quarter earnings in 2012 reached $303.6 million, beating the Wall Street's projection of $278 million as a long shot. LinkedIn had a net income of $11.5 million in Q4 2012.

LinkedIn's revenues have increased by 81 per cent on a year-over-year basis. The company closed at $157.21 a share on Wednesday, higher by 27 per cent from Thursday's $124.05 close.

A single iPad mini with 32GB of internal storage costs at least $429, which means the company released $1.5 million as a token of gratitude from their efforts. It seems they are encouraged to browse through all the business content LinkedIn system.

Many LinkedIn employees would surely agree that the iPad Mini beats flowers and chocolates as the best Heart Day gift ever.

Meanwhile, the first 1 million members, including this writer, were sent thank you notes for being pioneer members and helping LinkedIn reach the 200 million mark.