Expert warns of addictive sex with robot
Teens losing their virginity to sex robots is just one of the risks of artificial intelligence’s (AI) widespread use. Once people experience the pleasure of sex with robots, they may become addicted to it because the AI could offer great sex 24/7.
Joel Snell, American research fellow from Kirkwood College, cites the lack of need to bond with the robot and it never turning down request to have sex may cause people to be obsessed with their sex robot lovers, reports New York Post. He foresees people rearranging their lives to accommodate their addiction.
“Sexbots would always be available and could never say no, so addictions would be easy to feed,” explains Snell. He adds the sex robots would also never use having a headache as an excuse to reject sexual advances, break the heart of their human sexual partners or demand a divorce, reports Dailystar.
The sexbots being programmable would make them meet the individual needs of users. However, Gurpreet Singh, a sex therapist from Relate, a UK relationships charity, notes that it would not be healthy to replace or remove human relationship completely by replacing it sex with cyborgs.
““It takes on a whole different meaning if sex robots are used because of a fear of intimacy or because a person wants to be isolated,” Singh adds. In such cases, the addiction must be addressed.
To cut the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, scientists are suggesting a robot sex brothel in Amsterdam by 2050, according to a thesis titled “Robots, Men, and Sex Tourism,” by Ian Yeoman, a scientist specialising in futurology, and Michelle Mars, a sexologist at the University of Wellington, reports The Sun.
VIDEO: Real Future: The Man Making Sex Robots for the Masses (Episode 6)
Source: Fusion