Local Tenant Advice and Advocacy and Home Assist Secure services are available for Queenslanders in need with service providers able to apply for up to $10,000 in extra funding.

These services would help tenants affected by the floods to understand their rights and obligations in the private rental market.

Housing Minister Karen Struthers said Tenant Advice and Advocacy and Home Assist Secure services would also advocate on behalf of tenants.

“Tenancy Advice and Advocacy services across Queensland will be able to access the funding so they can make sure tenants in flood affected properties are getting a fair deal,” Struthers said.

“I’ve already called on landlords to be understanding in this difficult time but if the message hasn’t gotten through then these services will be able to help.”

Struthers said Home Assist Secure services would also help older people and people with a disability to clean up and make repairs.

“Home Assist Secure provides a vital service for many people throughout the state that will be even more vital during the flood clean up,” she said. “We are expecting Home Assist Secure providers will be called upon to help with all sorts of maintenance work around homes to make them safe and we are making sure they can manage that demand."

“This funding will ensure that services aren’t financially disadvantaged by the extra work needed in the clean up.

“The services range from free advice to householders, to minor modifications around the home – all designed to help make residents safer and more secure in their home.”

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