Don't take the bait by liking or commenting to your friend's Facebook status that says, "I think I like someone, what should I do?" if you don't want to post a weird status on your own timeline too. It is part of a new Facebook game that has gone viral on popular social networking sites. If you react to the status, your friend will send you this message:

"The person who likes/comments has to choose one of the following to post on his/her timeline.
1. I've been in 42 relationships
2. I think I like someone, what should I do?
3. My mom arranged me for a blind date
4. Someone invited me to be a prostitute, what should I do?
5. I forgotten to wear my underwear today
6. I am gonna confess, support me
7. I still love my ex
Note: you should not explain anything, just post and leave it for at least a day

There really is no consequence if you don't follow the dare but you can join in the fun and trick your friends too, by posting one of the phrases above. This is completely harmless as it can't help pedophiles track your real age as it allegedly did when a viral game asked Facebook users to change their profile pictures into a cartoon character from their childhood. It was later said that the said viral game was campaign to support children.

Pictivism is the changing of a user profile picture or status as a way to voice out an opinion in issues, causes or matters of concern. This can influence or impact followers and friends since a profile picture or status is just like a banner headline or a topfold newspaper.

A recent viral hit was the giraffe challenge that involves answering a riddle and if the answer is wrong, the user must change his or her profile picture into a giraffe for three days. The giraffe challenge doesn't seem like advocating a cause and might just be another thing bored Facebook users started for fun. The most recent "I think I like someone, what should I do" game seems to just want to tease gossip hungry Facebook friends and give them new juices to talk about. It can also give a tiny clue as to what the user will choose, afterall, everyone has secrets that just somehow want to come out.