After years of airing the show, the famous cartoon series "Family Guy" killed one of its most loved characters, "Brian" who was the family pet.

The character has been part of the series for 15 years and despite it being utterly "impossible" to be killed by the producers, in the latest episode of "Family Guy" viewers were shocked when Brian gets hit by a car and dies. Fans were shocked at what had happened and many could not fathom that the producers actually killed a character they have been watching for years on television.

Online sites have been put up as an online petition to bring the character back onscreen. Many fans couldn't contain their shock and posted on these online forums saying:

"Brian Griffin was an important part of our viewing experience, 'Family Guy' and Fox Broadcasting will lose viewers if Brian Griffin is not brought back to the show."

Many believe that the producers would bring back the character but honestly they know the truth that just like other famous characters, "Brian" despite being a mere cartoon, would stay dead and fans just can't believe it's true.

Spoiler Alert!

In the episode Brian is playing with the smart and witty baby, Stewie as he accidentally gets hit by a car. Stewie trying to reverse what had happened is heartbroken when his devious time machine does not work.

Many were shocked and many are still in shock as many took to social networking sites asking if "Brian from 'Family Guy' was really dead'." The voice behind these characters, Seth MacFarlane has yet to give his views and comments on what took place in the episode.

The producers have their own viewers and people are still waiting for what Seth MacFarlane has to say as it would mean quite a lot to them when Seth actually tells the viewers that this is true.

Read full story here: 'Family Guy' fans petition to bring back Brian