Buzz suggests that Dwayne Johnson would not be seen in any other "Fast and Furious" films post "Fast 7." Johnson who joined the cast of "Fast "series as Marshall Luke Hobbs garnered a lot of fans but now it seems that he is stepping away from the hit franchise for greener pastures.

Recently, when asked whether he would be back in "Fast and Furious 8" Dwayne sounded doubtful.

"I don't know," he said to Toronto Sun.

Dwayne said this when he had come to Toronto to promote his film "Hercules" which is set to hit theaters on July 25. He also suggested in his interview that he is happy that the film got completed in time, post Paul Walker's death.

"I was very happy with the way (Fast & Furious 7) was completed. I think Paul would have wanted that. In fact, I know Paul would have wanted that. When something like that happens, it's a harsh reminder of how fortunate we are, and it makes you hug your loved ones harder. I think this installment is going to be a special one - for a lot of reasons, but especially in the wake of Paul's death," explained Dwayne.

Paul Walker died in an unfortunate car accident on Nov 30. The "Fast" actor was coming from a charity event when his car hit a tree and burst into flames. Walker was in the seat next to the driver, while his friend Rogar Rodas was driving. Along with Walker, Rodas died in the accident.

Meanwhile, with regards to the film Johnson said that there are a lot of elements included. In addition, the cast and crew of the film are like family members.

"It has a lot of moving elements with a big cast that's a group and a family. In some ways, I was a regular visitor. The character I played allowed me to go in and get the job done, hunt people down and step out," Dwayne further said to the newspaper.