During the 2014 Grammy Awarda, Paul Walker's close friend and co-star Tyerse Gibson took an opportunity to thank the supporters who have prayed for Paul's family and friends.

"All the fans around the world that have been praying for Paul's family and his daughter and the cast and his friends... we love you all. It has helped us to rebuild and kind of stay encouraged and inspire to keep going," Gibson told ExtraTV.com"

Gibson even added that most of the times we take people who are praying for granted.

Clearing the airs regarding the release of the film, Gibson said that, "The franchise is still going to go. At this point, 'Fast' is like the United Nations. There are so many people in the movie that fans around the world can identify with, and Paul would want us to keep it going. I brought him with me today in spirit... I went forever sad. All of us have been sad and affected around the world, so thank you all for the prayers. I found my smile again."

Tyerse has previously revealed in a TV interview that he found his smile again after getting inspired from Paul Walker's zeal of life.

Meanwhile, Kurt Russel who was suppose to play father figure to Paul's character in the film said in Sundance Film festival that Paul Walker's death is catastrophic and the script of the film is being rewritten.

"They're having to rewrite, they're having to do whatever they're having to do to deal with the situation. Listen, it's catastrophic. It's the worst thing that could happen to a movie, but it's not as bad as what happened to Paul."

Paul Walker passed away in a tragic car crash on Nov. 30 in Los Angeles. Reportedly the reason for the accident was over speeding. Rogar Rodas was driving Paul from a charity event when the car hit the electric pole and burst into flames. Paul is survived by15-year-old daughter Meadow Walker.

Our thoughts are with Paul Walker's family and friends.