Has Father Time finally caught up with Steve Nash? The Los Angeles Lakers point guard suffered yet another injury on Sunday night two days after celebrating his 40th birthday.

Nash re-injured his left leg--- the same one he fractured in the 2012-2013 season when he missed majority of the games for the Lakers—after a contact play in the early part of the third quarter of the game versus the Chicago Bulls.

The Lakers lost the home game, 92-86 and Nash finished with 8 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists and 3 turnovers in 21 minutes of play.

The 18-year veteran just returned last Tuesday after missing almost three months of action because of nerve root irritation (back and hamstring) and has played the Lakers three of the last four games.

Nash flashed some old brilliance against the Philadelphia 76ers last Friday, his birthday, leading the squad to a 112-98 blowout and finished with 19 points (8/15 FG), 4 rebounds and 5 assists.

Apparently, it was just a flash in the pan for the Canadian as he yet succumbs to another injury.

Nash will be re-evaluated by team doctors on Monday and will most likely decide if he can continue to play this season or his career.

Should Steve hang up the sneakers now? The Lakers don’t really need him anymore as they are in tank mode for the rest of the season. Should Nash just retire and call it quits? He already has had a colourful NBA career and there’s no shame in quitting at this point—especially if health is the main concern.