Action on a carbon price and measures to lift productivity and workforce participation so Australia can take full advantage of the new resources boom and a period of economic growth must be the focus of the 2011-12 Federal Budget, says the only peak council and national centre representing the Australian workforce.

According to ACTU, while the response to the floods crisis will require some re-prioritising of spending, the government must not allow itself to be sidetracked from addressing short and long-term challenges to Australia’s prosperity and economic performance.

ACTU President Ged Kearney said, “Despite the impact of the recent floods, Australia’s economy is well down the track of having recovered from the global slowdown and is poised for a new period of growth.”

While other developed nations continue to struggle with high unemployment, tax rises and cuts to spending, in Australia the emerging challenge is how to manage and sustain this growth equitably, said ACTU, adding Australia cannot afford to coast complacently through another boom as it did for most of a decade under the neglect of the Howard Government.

“With its finances in good shape, notwithstanding the setback of the floods, the government must use the 2011-12 Budget to position the economy for well beyond the resources boom.”

“The interests of working Australians and their families must be front and centre of the Budget. It is essential that all Australians share in the nation’s prosperity, not just the corporate sector,” ACTU said.