The vuvuzela was the unofficial symbol of the 2010 World Cup. After all, it was impossible to ignore it due to its blaring sound. One vuvuzela was enough to burst an eardrum at close range but thousands inside one stadium was completely overwhelming. Brazil has an answer to the vuvuzela in the form of the caxirola.

The caxirola is a colourful plastic instrument which its creators hoped would become as iconic as its predecessor. Unfortunately, while the vuvuzela might have been controversial, the caxirola might be even more so by getting banned in FIFA World Cup venues.

The plastic instrument is filled with beads and makes a hissing sund when shaken. It has so far been seen in different colours depicting various national teams. How did this happen?

The caxirola made an appearance in a match between Vitoria and Bahia, both from Brazil, back in April. Instead of the fans using the instruments to make noises in support of their teams, dozens of the plastic instruments were thrown into the pitch and disrupted play.

FIFA saw this as a precedent and the decision was made to ban the instruments from official World Cup venues. While being made from lightweight plastic, a caxirola hurled from a distance way up in the stands could still cause some physical damage to persons or property upon impact.

Taking after the vuvuzela, which was banned after the 2010 World Cup, the caxirola did one better and was banned by the Brazilian Minister of Justice even before the 2014 World Cup has begun.

The attempt to inject some Brazilian culture into the games has backfired and the caxirola won't be an iconic feature in the games like the vuvuzela was so the national team would have to rely on their skills on the pitch to make a loud bang when the games begin.

The instrument was developed in cooperation with popular Brazilian musician Carlinhos Brown. Brazilian President Dalima Roussef was said to be supportive of the project.

The caxirolas have obviously already been manufactured and are already out on sale in the various souvenir shops that are thriving around the World Cup venues. So far, no decline in sales has been reported despite the imposed ban. Some may not be aware that there is a ban and would attempt to carry them into the stadiums. Some might even get through but security enforcers will undoubtedly be assigned to look out for any wayward caxirolas that may make an appearance.