The "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie adaptation is one of the most anticipated 2014 films. Joseph Gordon-Levitt has recently landed on entertainment news headlines as one of the fan-favoured actors to play Christian Grey. But should he even be interested in the role? Here are five reasons why he shouldn't be.

Fifty Shades of Grey Movie Casting: 5 Reasons Joseph Gordon-Levitt Should Not Play Christian Grey

Fifty Shades of Grey Movie Casting: 5 Reasons Joseph Gordon-Levitt Should Not Play Christian Grey (CREDIT: "Don Jon" via YouTube)

1. Acting chops for bigger, better challenges. As a hopeless, vulnerable romantic guy-next-door in "500 Days of Summer," hearts melted for Joseph Gordon-Levitt. As subconscious thought manipulator, Joseph was convincingly sharp and shrewd. As Christian Grey, he can only be drop dead gorgeous and nothing else. Better use that fantastic elsewhere, eh?

2. Serial movie casting could be too exhausting for a gifted artist. Playing Christian Grey in three Fifty Shades films would not stop Joseph Gordon-Levitt from filming other movies. But he would be exhausted. Why not focus on flexible roles without risking a burnout?

3. Time better spent on more artistic endeavors. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is not just an actor. He also writes and directs. His new 2013 film "Don Jon" is a product of his creative mind and direction. It may not be an Oscar-contender, but it shows the potential of JGL's prolific mind. The time to be busy with bigger follow-ups is now. Playing Christian Grey would only be a distraction.

4. Subtle sexy is better than sex demigod. Of course many fans think Joseph Gordon-Levitt is sexy. But not all sexy celebs should be ideal Christian Grey candidates. Stephen Amell, for instance, knew he is physically fit for the role. After reading the book, however, he told fans he's out. Some could only speculate that Amell would not step down from superhero Oliver Queen to nothing-much-but-sex going on Christian Grey.

5. That sweet enigmatic smile will lose some magic. Just because "Don Jon" tackles sex albeit hilariously doesn't mean Gordon-Levit should be entertaining Christian Grey possibilities. There are many greater things he can do in the industry.

VIDEO: 'Don Jon' Trailer, Written and Directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt (aka the film that made fans think JGL could play Christian Grey in 'Fifty Shades' movie)

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