Is the "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie script done yet? Fans have gone over more than enough online polls for "Who should play Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele." At least three actors have consistently topped Mr Grey polls: Henry Cavill (Man of Steel), Ian Somerhalder (Vampire Diaries), and Matt Bomer (Magic Mike, White Collar). Here is a quick look on their respective Grey potential.

Henry Cavill as Christian Grey?

Henry Cavill, 29, has made a sexy impression for his past films, including "Immortals." His photos in some endorsements have been going around social networks, charming and intriguing more fans. He is getting particularly strong following in Twitter, where he's been dubbed as the sexiest man who could play Christian Grey.

In a past interview, Cavill has hinted he will attend to Christian Grey queries when the time comes that there is actually something to discuss. It is understood as a hint that he is not rejecting the possibility.

Ian Somerhalder as Christian Grey?

Ian Somerhalder, 34, gained fame for his roles as Boone Carlyle in "Lost" and Damon Salvatore in "Vampire Diaries." The actor's piercing blue eyes and mischievous rugged looks captivate women and give many Fifty Shades reader a picture of dark and adventure-seeking Mr Grey.

Somerhalder has openly announced his interest in playing Mr Grey. However, the film's producers have repeatedly say there won't be any casting until the Fifty Shades movie script is done and a director is hired.

Matt Bomer as Christian Grey?

Matt Bomer, 35, has been publicly dismissed by "American Psycho" author Brett Ellis because he is openly gay. Ellis, in turn, was not hired to write the Fifty Shades movie script despite announcing his interest in the job on Twitter. Bomer has launched a fan into spreading a fake magazine cover page on which Bomer is named Christian Grey. The image quickly went viral. Apparently Bomer's fans believe he does not have to be straight to play Grey.

After all, Bomer is the notoriously sexy con-man Neal Caffrey in "White Collar." He is typically dressed as Christian Grey in the series, and has even launched his own suits line. In a recent interview, he refused to comment on the Grey possibility. But this actor, too, is clearly not closing his doors.

"There is going to be a lot of sex in the film," said screenwriter Kelly Marcel in an interview with The Sunday Times early January. She reportedly went on to say, "[The movie] will be rated NC-17." The "Terra Nova" writer said she has worked with James on their favorite parts of the book. Most of these parts will make it into film. Shortly after Marcel's interview, FSOG film co-producer Dana Brunetti downplayed her ratings comment and hinted to fans to forget about rating until the film is done for official rating.

Any one of these three actors would make a visually arresting Christian Grey on the big screen. Cavill has the sexiest frame. Somerhalder has the sexiest and most playful eyes. Bomer has the overall Grey stance. Then again, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

VIDEO: Ian Somerhalder Talks Christian Grey Role

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