Kristen Stewart is into portrayals of dark characters, she tells Elle magazine. Can she play Anastasia Steele in the Hollywood adaptation of E.L James' erotic fiction, Fifty Shades of Grey?

Here are five reasons why Kristen Stewart could be a good Anastasia Steele:

5. If the shoe fits, wear it. James wrote 'Fifty Shades' as a fan fiction inspired by Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight' saga. While Meyer had been criticized for not rendering an elaborate description of her heroine, Stewart has already owned the character upon which Anastasia Steele was based.

4. Age. The 22-year-old character was just about to graduate from college at the beginning of James' trilogy. Stewart matches the age perfectly.

3. Build and style. Anastasia sees herself as rather too skinny to be attractive. She is aware of men admiring her, but she dresses like she couldn't care less about getting any guy's attention. Stewart carries plain and tomboyish attire with a charming vibe about her.

2. Enigma. Going back to the first 'Twilight' installment on the big screen, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is drawn to Bella because he couldn't get in her head. In contrast, Christian Grey was drawn to Anastasia because "there was something" about her. (James' prose is just as unsatisfying and vague as Meyer's.) Readers and viewers are left to interpret what this "something" is, but Stewart wears enigma all the time. She naturally exudes an air of mystery that probably makes up 80% of her sex appeal. She is certainly not fairer to the evil witch (Charlize Theron) in her latest flick, but she holds her own.

1. Character description: Naïve, stupid, low in self-esteem or just so hopelessly in-love? How could one describe Anastasia Steele? She's a virgin who has never been in a relationship at 22. She devours romantic literature and suspects she may have been looking for her own literary hero. She meets a demigod of male beauty and couldn't get him out of his head. On his second night out with him, he shows her his S&M base, and she is hardly freaked out. Crazy. Whatever Anastasia's motivations are, Kristen's trademark "poker face" expressions would register well on screen.

Also read:

Fifty Shades of Grey: Top 5 Reasons Why Scarlett Johansson is not the Perfect Anastasia Steele