Total personal finance commitments slid 0.3 per cent, seasonally adjusted, from $7.410 billion in July to $7.392 billion in August, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) said on Wednesday.

The trend series for the value of total commercial finance commitments fell 1.8 per cent in August 2010 compared with July 2010. Revolving credit commitments declined 4.9 per cent and fixed lending commitments shed 0.6 per cent.

The seasonally adjusted series for the value of total commercial finance commitments was down 11.1 per cent to $26.769 billion in August 2010 from $30.125 billion in July.

Revolving credit commitments lost 25.9 per cent and fixed lending commitments slid 4.9 per cent, according to ABS data.

The value of commitments for the purchase of dwellings by individuals for rent or resale (trend) slumped 1.4 per cent in August, following a fall of 1.3 per cent the previous month. The seasonally adjusted series fell 7.5 per cent.

However, the value of total lease finance commitments (trend) rose 0.8 per cent. The seasonally adjusted series was up 2.3 per cent in August to $397 million, compared with $388 million the month before.

The trend series for the total value of owner occupied housing commitments excluding alterations and additions rose 0.6 per cent, while the seasonally adjusted series was flat. Housing finance for owner occupation was slightly up at $13.635 billion in August, from $13.628 billion in July.