The game is over. Earlier he was, now he isn't. We are talking about Justin Bieber peeps. The 19-year-old dropped a bomb on his fans some time back when he announced to a radio talk show that he is done with music and in fact thinking of retiring from the scene. Beliebers around the world debated on weather his statement was a joke or was he really serious about calling it quits. But we have a good news for all his fans. Justin Beiber is NOT retiring. It's official now.

The 19-year-old Canadian pop star also confused fans on Twitter on Christmas Eve, tweeting, "My beloved beliebers I'm officially retiring."

Allison Kaye , general manager of Scooter Braun Projects released a statement to the Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy blog confirming that the "Baby" hitmaker was joking about his retirement plans and has not intentions of doing so.

"Justin is a hard working 19-year-old who would prefer that his recent fundraising work in the Philippines and the considerable amount raised for the cause be the media's focus more than the recent reporting on him retiring. Regarding his recent tweeting about his 'retirement' Justin felt that this was the best way to respond to the latest in a long line of inaccurate or wildly exaggerated media reports about him," read the statement.

"He chose to channel his frustration into playing along with this baseless rumor and even used 'beloved' to tip off his core fans that it wasn't real. But within 20 minutes, Justin realized that fans were confused by the media reports and clarified that he was kidding. This wasn't a planned stunt, it was just another day in the life of living under the microscope. Justin loves his fans and understands that this scrutiny comes along with his success and the interest in him from fans and media," it concluded.

It's good that Bieber's office finally thought of releasing a statement and quashing the rumors linked to his retirement as this might have affected his career as a singer too. There were speculations in the media that Bieber might be making up his mind to launch himself as an actor full time because his movie "Believe" is doing good. The singer did clarify that he was joking soon after he uttered the words but his fans were still confused. The official statement would surely calm the Beliebers now.