First Lady Michelle Obama is following the footsteps of her husband as she decided to pen a book about gardening to share her experiences since she started on the South Lawn of the White House.

The first lady said the Associated Press has finalized a deal with the Crown Publishing for a book about gardening, which will discuss the gains taken from eating healthy and some of the questions raised about the White House Garden.

“We’ve gotten food out of the garden, and we can eat it and it’s good,” First Lady Michelle Obama said in an interview with the Associated Press.

The first lady told AP what motivated her to write the still untitled-book.

She said, “So we wanted to share the story with the rest of the nation and perhaps with the rest of the world, because we get so many questions about the garden: How did we do it? Why did we do it? How do I do this in my own home or community?”.

Since the first lady took personal interest on the South Lawn, it has produced 2000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables, said the White House.

The Associated Press noted that the First lady is not taking any fee from the sales of the book that is projected to come out in April 2012.

All proceeds of the book said AP will be donated to yet undetermined charities. The first lady has been promoting locally grown food and the discussion of the garden in the book will greatly touch on the anti-obesity campaign called, “Let’s Move!” which the first lady started last year.

Citing the statement from Crown company, the AP said that the book is hoped to be ‘inspirational and instructive, and will provide ideas and resources for readers to get involved in the movement to create community, school, and urban gardens, support local farmers’ markets and make small lifestyle changes to achieve big health results”.