What does a mom do when she is watching TV with her two toddler kids and suddenly there is a sex scene on national television at 8 in the morning? She takes a stand against it. Something similar happened with a mother of two from Florida, Rebeca Seitz, when she was enjoying her morning time with her kids at her home and suddenly an intimate nude scene flashed on TV.

The incident happened last Thursday when Seitz was watching ABC's "Good Morning America" when an explicit advertisement featuring a steamy sex scene for ABC drama "Betrayal" showed a nude couple in an intimate kiss scene.

The shocked mother quickly distracted her eight year old son and removed him from the room. But she returned to her television to double check what she thought she had seen. Seitz viewed ABC's 30 second trailer showing naked couple at 8:30 in the morning with text that had read, "They're married. To other people. Nothing is more dangerous than betrayal."

The shocked mother rewind the last few minutes and this time she clicked the picture of the scene on her iPhone and posted it on her blog.

"The GMA segment went to commercial. And then, wham. Confusion. Disbelief. Did that just flash on my TV screen? In front of 8-year-old Andy?! No way," Seitz wrote on her blog.

"I hit pause, grabbed my iPhone, snapped a picture, and then got the image off the screen before Andy could see again or Ella could find out why Mommy's face registered shock."

Seitz posted that picture on her Facebook account in order to seek other mommy views but the irony was that the picture got removed by Facebook as it was reported as "inappropriate due to nudity" and she was told that she had violated community standards.

"Thanks for the affirmation, Facebook," the mom wrote on her blog.

The mother is trying to bring up a point that nudity and sex, in any form, should not be allowed on TV. And other moms and fathers agree with her. Her blog has more than 550 responses and mostly in her favour.

"Good for you, Rebeca, for speaking up. We're with you on this!" mentions one person in his comments on her blog.

The mother has spoken to CNN and given many interviews about this issue. She is not going to keep quiet and has also filed certain complaints with related personnel including the PR representative for the series "Betrayal", according to Daily Mail.

"I will not accept that the presence of standards equates to the hatred of anyone and is therefore somehow unacceptable in the public square," she says.

Watch the trailer here and tell us your views