Money is the main motivation of Floyd Mayweather Jr.

On Friday, Mayweather posted a couple of videos on Instagram showing his thousands, if not hundreds, of dollars. "Motivation Part 1 and Part 2" Mayweather wrote as the videos' captions.

We know that money is primarily the main drive and the source of inspiration for Mayweather, and it certainly brought him to where he is at right now. Some people might think that he is being arrogant because he keeps posting pictures and videos of his richness to many social networking Web sites, but he is just actually showing everyone the fruit of his labor and how he is very much proud of it.

Many people think that Mayweather has a big ego, but he actually has an unadulterated side to his personality. Also, for some, there might really be no need for the undefeated boxer to brag the luxurious life he is living because there are many poor people who are struggling in their lives all over the world. We can't blame him. He had a tough life growing up

"A lot of people have no idea what I have been through in my life," Mayweather told HBO in an interview. "My mom was on drugs and my dad was jailed, I never had a home that is secured and stable," he added. "I want my kids to have a little something, like I have stated before, when all is said and done, all championship belts do is just collect dust," he continued. "Who wants a million dollar face with only a few dollars in their pockets," said Mayweather.

No one can really judge Mayweather. He just wants what is best for his children. He wants his children to have a better life and not have to go through what he has experienced as a youngster.