"The Following" Season 2 premiere aired on FOX Sunday, showing a seemingly stronger Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon). The question on whether Joe Carroll (James Purefoy) is dead or alive gets answered soon enough. Sam Underwood is playing the new creep guy leading Carroll's cult. Followers of Dexter Morgan know him as the late Zach Hamilton, Dexter's protégé.

Spoiler alert: This recap gives away major spoilers on the new season of "The Following." The Season 2 premiere is titled, "Resurrection." Read at your own risk. Also, watch the promo video for next week's episode.

In The Following Season 2, Episode 1, Ryan Hardy appears to be living a healthy life. It's been a year since Joe Carroll was declared dead. But Hardy believes otherwise. Fans know Hardy is still grieving Claire's death. But the guy has a lot of killers to catch.

Three men wearing spooky Joe Carroll masks kill several people on a train, while chanting "resurrection." They send a message to Hardy. Sam Underwood's Luke and Mark twin brother characters are in charge.

Mike Weston (Shawn Ashmore) is not buying Hardy's statement that he doesn't want to get involved in the killing spree investigation.

It is soon revealed that Hardy's detective niece Max (Jessica Stroup) is helping him in his new hunt-the-followers "hobby."

Emma Hill (Valorie Curry) is lost amid all the action happening. Her new punk look does not suit her very well, but it's the least of her concern now. It is only a matter of time before she crosses paths with, or confronts, twins Luke and Mark.

(Check out this Instagram post and Twitter teaser by Sam Underwood. The Following Season 2 is hoped to be more exciting than its freshman year. Underwood is always brilliant in showing bloodlust and serious madness.)

Meanwhile, Connie Nielsen ("Boss") joins The Following Season 2 as regular cast. She is perceived to be the "new Claire" in Hardy's life. The "new Parker," meanwhile, is Agent Gina Mendez, played by Valerie Cruz.

James Purefoy's Joe Carroll is alive. And he's grown some beard, if not bird's nest. His connection (or lack thereof) to the 'Ressurrection' crew has yet to be established. He doesn't appear until the final minutes of The Following Season 2, Episode 1. Viewers just know this chapter is going to be epic in bloody proportions.

WATCH: The Following Season 2, Episode 2, 'For Joe'

The Following Season 2, Episode 2 airs on Jan. 27, Monday. The series returns to regular programming on FOX.

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