Up to 400 hundred top level business executives from around the world are set to plane in to Sydney on Tuesday as the city hosts for the second time the annual Forbes Global CEO Conference.

Conference organisers said that business leaders from Australia, the United States and the Asia-Pacific region were expected to attend the two-day affair with billionaire media firm owner Steve Forbes serving as the host for hundreds of CEOs, tycoons and capitalist that would the yearly business forum.

Mr Forbes quipped that Sydney is a fitting location of the gathering since it would serve as a model on effective ways to combat the global financial crisis, stressing that "the finances of Australia have been excellent compared to the rest of the world as the country's economic policies weathered the financial storm better than just about every other country in the world."

Organisers said that speakers during the conference would be big names such as Andrew Forrest of Fortescue Metals, Catherine Livingstone of Telstra, Nicholas Moore of the Macquarie Group and Anthony Pratt of Visy.

Mr Forbes also noted that satellite gatherings to be held on different bars and restaurants around Sydney would also be crucial citing that following the formal functions at the main conference; these business leaders would still enjoy brainstorming sessions during in between sessions of dinners and cocktail parties.

He stressed that when business people are gathered together, good things happen owing to the fact that they were "from business, people who are thought leaders, people who think more tactically."

Enforcing tight security for the yearly business pilgrim, New South Wales Premier Kristina Keneally said that her government is prepared to apply the full force of the law on those who will disrupt the gathering as the state government prepares for the possibility that the violence that marred the 2005 version of the CEO conference would be repeated this year.