Former Ferrari boss reveals Michael Schumacher responding to treatment, will likely come out of condition

The real condition of former F1 racing champion Michael Schumacher continues to generate interest among his fans, although news about him since the accident three years ago has been sparse. On Monday, former Ferrari Chairman Luca Cordero di Montezelmo said that the racer is responding to treatment and will recover.
He says Schumacher is a strong person, and with his determination – crucial to his recovery – the racer would come out from the very, very difficult situation, reports The Telegraph. di Montezelmo was chairman of Ferrari when Schumacher won five straight world titles between 2000 and 2004.
Schumacher has been receiving specialist medical care at his house in Lake Geneva since September 2014 after spending six months in induced coma. There has been much speculation about his condition, but Sabine Kehm, his manager, often rebuts the reports.
Among the conflicting reports that came out about him were the racing champ is paralysed, confined to a wheelchair, has memory problems and could not speak. But Bunte magazine wrote before Christmas 2015 that the Formula One star was walking again, but Kehme accused the publication of raising false hopes.
Daily Star cites unnamed experts that chance of a full recovery are very low. It adds that because of Schumacher’s medical condition, the family is facing financial challenges resulting in the family placing for sale a 20-year-old vintage Mercedes E55 AMG vehicle priced at £516,524 (A$867,872). Prior to the Mercedes’ sale, the Schumachers also sold their vacation house and family jet.
VIDEO: Michael Schumacher F1 Crash Compilation
Source: Motorsport Crashes