Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling has recently announced he is currently battling out cancer. Curt, who currently works as an ESPN analyst, did not reveal the type of cancer he has been diagnosed with. But he is optimistic to face this difficult time in his life, ESPN reported.

"I've always believed life is about embracing the gifts and rising up to meet the challenges," Curt told ESPN through a statement.

"We've been presented with another challenge, as I've recently been diagnosed with cancer."

Shonda, Curt's wife, has also fought cancer when she was diagnosed with stage 2 malignant melanoma in 2001. She completed five surgeries which had left scars on her back, arms, legs and chest. Thirteen years later, who would have thought that Curt would be facing the same condition that his wife went through.

"Shonda and I want to send a sincere thank you and our appreciation to those who have called and sent prayers, and we ask that if you are inclined, to keep the Schilling family in your prayers," Curt said.

In November 2011, Curt has suffered from heart attack. He underwent surgery and had a stent placed in one of his arteries. Curt and his wife have had some health problems. This time around, he is hopeful that he will be able to defeat cancer with the help of his doctors and God's powerful hands.

"With my incredible talented team, I'm ready to try and win another big game," Curt claimed.

Curt added he feels very blessed that he has been presented this battle.

"I'll embrace this fight just like the rest of them, with resolute faith and head on," he noted.

Having had a wife who suffered cancer was a tough situation. Curt's current health condition led him to ask the question "why me." It is great thing that despite all the challenges that he is dealing at the moment he remains positive, no matter how hard it really is. Curt's affirmative attitude is a key component for his recovery.

Curt was a six-time all-star pitcher. He was awarded the World Series Most Valuable Player in 2001. Other achievements he received included the Babe Ruth Award, Robert Clement Award, Hutch Award, Branch Rickey Award and Lou Gehrig Memorial Award.

Our prayers go out to Curt and his family.